Monday 2 May 2016

Subject complements

Some clauses consist of a subject, the verb be and an expression that either modifies the subject or denotes something identical to the subject.
·         Jane is a journalist.
·         The children were very excited.
·         Susie is in the shower.
The expression that modifies the subject in clauses like these is often called a subject complement. Subject complements can also follow other copular verbs like become, seem and look.
·         Alice became a doctor.
·         She looks depressed.
Object complement
An object complement is a phrase which follows a direct object and either modifies that object or denotes something identical to it.
·         She called me a liar.
·         They made her a star.
·         I consider hang-gliding dangerous.
Complements of verbs, nouns and adjectives
Words and expressions which complete the meaning of a verb, noun or adjective are also called complements.
·         I am fond of children. (of children is the complement of the adjective fond.)
·         I am sorry to tell you this. (to tell you this is the complement of the adjective sorry.)
·         Let us get a bottle of wine. (of wine is the complement of the noun bottle.)
·         She wants to find a new job. (to find a new job is the complement of the verb wants.)
It is important to know what kinds of complements can come after a particular word. For example, interested can be followed by in -- -ing or by an infinitive; want can be followed by an infinitive, but suggest cannot; on the other hand suggest can be followed by a that-clause, but want cannot.
·         I am interested in learning to fly.
·         I want to take a long holiday.
·         The doctor suggested taking a long holiday.
·         The doctor suggested that I should take a long holiday.

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