Monday 2 May 2016


Adverbs are words like tomorrow, daily, badly, once and too. They tell us more about other words, especially verbs.
§  The child smiled sweetly. (The adverb sweetly modifies the verb smiled.)
§  She walked slowly. (The adverb slowly modifies the verb walked.)
§  He talked politely. (The adverb politely modifies the verb talked.)
Sometimes adverbs modify adjectives.
§  It was a very important question. (The adverb very modifies the adjective important.)
§  You are so sweet. (The adverb so modifies the adjective sweet.)
Adverbs can also modify other adverbs.
§  He walked very slowly. (The adverb very modifies the adverb slowly.)
§  She sang extremely well. (The adverb extremely modifies the adverb well.)

Formation of adverbs

Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to their corresponding adjectives. Examples are: kindly (kind), slowly (slow), hardly (hard), sweetly (sweet) etc.
·         She is very beautiful (adjective).

·         She is beautifully (adverb) dressed.

·         He is a strange (adjective) person.

·         He behaved strangely (adverb).

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